Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A prehistoric cult spot dating back to 'neolithic' times was discovered recently near Patancheru (80 km from Hyderabad) by the late Mr. Narahari of the state Archeology department. The archeologists examined the site which has some cave paintings in red ochre and rock carvings. The results of the trial excavations tentatively placed the site between the mesolithic and megalithic periods, that is the 'neolithic'. The site of Edithanur, Medak district, thus falls between 2300 BC and 900 BC. After this date "megalithic" culture makes its appearance in south india.
WOOTZ , UKKU or true damascus steel
Steel is a modified type of iron mixed with carbon and other elements which give it distinctive properties like hardness, toughness, resistance to rusting etc. The use of iron became fairly widespread after some of the old 'aryan' tribes like hittites developed the technology in the highlands of Iran-Iraq. The related megalithic culture in south India (found all over the drier parts of the plateau) also developed ironmaking skills. They seem to have gone a step further and developed STEEL. This steel making tradition has survived a long time in these parts and became world famous.
Megaliths of Hyderabad
All over Hyderabad and surounding areas there are prehistoric monuments ascribed to the megalithic peoples. They were skilled in handling large granite slabs mainly found in their tombs. The stone tombs are usually 3 metres underground and are marked on the surface by a circle of large rounded boulders. In Hyderabad area they are dated variously from 300 BC to 400 AD by archeologists, who say similar constructions in the sandstone area to the south date from 1300 BC.
Signature of the sky in rock
HYDERABAD: An early representation of the Great Bear constellation dating back to around 500 B.C. has been discovered on a piece of rock at Mudumula village of Mahabubnagar district by the University of Hyderabad.
The University's History department dated the find to the megalithic period and suggested the sky map as being the earliest physical representation of the sky discovered in the country. "This probably could even be the earliest such representation in the entire South Asia," Reader in department of History K.P.Rao who led the team, claimed at a media conference here on Monday.
The representation of the group of stars was found on a square table-like rock with a flat slanting top. "This appears to have been deliberately planted by the megalithic people to plot the Great Bear constellation, also known as `Ursa Major' and referred to as `Saptarshi Mandala' in Indian astronomy," Dr.Rao said.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
35000 year old statue